During my time with the HCD Summer Design Lab I served various roles as needed. Primarily I focused on serving illustration needs, anything visual that came up was my task to figure out.
I also worked alongside Meera Jain as an interviewer. This consisted of, contacting the experts that we wanted to consult as well as design a script to use during our convorsations and of course conducting them as well
At this stage I utilized the design method known as “rapid prototyping,” where I did as many sketches of the potential logo design as possible. Then I was able to narrow these ideas down to distinct “vibes”.
The Clean Vibe
After refining my ideas I came to two seperate vibes. The clean vibe centers on a more corprate aesthetic. I thought it was important to develope an aesthetic style that could apeal to a wider audience, which I thought the clean vibe could acheive.
The Rough Vibe
The rough vibe represents Whtiman’s more playful side. I imagined these logos becoming stickers that would be pasted on student’s water bottles and laptops. This set of designs came about more naturally, spawning form a set of sketches.
After finalizing my designs the HCD team helped me set up a logo feedback session. Members form the Whitman and Walla Walla community came to look at what I had been working on. At this point, my designs had been split into multiple groups and subgroups. The “rough look” was favoured over the clean aesthetic.
During the early part of July the HCD team took tours of childcare spaces around Walla Walla, where we learned what it takes to run these spaces. After participating in these visits I felt inspired to come up with quick sketches which ended up being implemented in the final design.
After our various site visits we gained a plethora of information, though we still had some gaps in our knowledge. With the help of fellow designer Meera Jain, an interview plan was organized. The two of us conntacted site directors from the childcare centers we toured, as well as Professor Heidi Dobson, who informed us on native plant species that we could include in our design.
All the work we put in as a team culliminated to the August 6th presentation. We presented our work to a room of stakeholders. I created illustrations to decorate the slides. I also presented the information that we had found form our interviews.
I also presented the physical model with the help of Alondra Quintero and Malcolm McGraw.